Saturday, January 14, 2012

Israel "The Pistol Nation"??

Last week an article entitled “Israel The Pistol Nation” appeared on the popular Israel News site “YNet”. (1)  
The article was somewhat informative on the need for Israel to be a modern military power for its survival.  However its flippant title and skimpy content did not speak to the current myth prevailing in the world of a chauvinistic Israel with its settlers armed to the teeth dispossessing the impoverished occupied so called “Palestinian” Arabs living under its rule - whether they be those living in territory under full Israeli sovereignty with full citizenship and political representation in Israel’s government or whether they be living under partial Israeli and Palestinian rule in the disputed territories occupied by Jordan until 1967.

I am an armed Israeli who lives in the so called “occupied territories” my goal is to present here something of the actual reality of Israel’s military and private gun ownership laws in contrast to those in the USA and New Zealand in the hope that the facts might help dispel the miss-information that abounds.

All Israeli citizens (men & women) are obligated to serve in one of Israels Military branches the Army, Navy or Air force from the age of 18 years. Men for 3 years and women for 2. Exemptions are granted to individuals for reasons such as age, health and religion.  Exemptions are also given to specific minorities such as Arab Muslims and Arab Christians however these minorities can choose to serve and a small number do,  the most notable group being the Bedouin Arabs. There is also an option to do permanent military service.  Alliteratively National Service is an option taken by many especially women to Military Service.  Initial Military service is followed by Reserve duty usually for men for approximately one month a year till around age 40. (2)

This military service by the whole nation gives rise to a sight that strikes visitors to Israel for the first time, many groups young soldiers in their late teens travelling on the public transport system carrying assault rifles as they travel to and from their bases all over the country home and back before and after the Sabbath.

The State of Israel does not have a constitution like America that gives it citizens the right to bear arms, so while the casual observer may be surprised to see armed soldiers traveling to and fro amongst ordinary civilians guns are not freely available to citizens outside of the context of military service.  Also hunting for sport does not exist here therefore unlike the USA and New Zealand one cannot get a Licence and go and purchase a shotgun or hunting rifle.(3)  Americans who are used to taking advantage of their Constitution to own a handgun for self protection are surprised to discover that the option to freely do this does not exist in Israel.   

Private ownership of guns is restricted to licensed people who, work in security, travel in areas considered potentially dangerous or who live in certain towns in the disputed territories that are considered potentially dangerous. In addition handguns are very expensive, usually about 3 times the price of the same weapon in the USA. Licensing is very strict and expensive with a requirement to re-license every 3 years.   Under the terms of the license the gun may only be used to protect life under a direct and actual threat, strict penalties confiscation and imprisonment are a result of misuse.

On a personal note since our town of Bet Hagai is considered one of those potentially dangerous towns I do carry a trusty CZ 85 but I don’t go out every day worrying that I may have to use it any more that I worry about having a car accident every time I put on my seat belt.  

In conclusion contrary to the propaganda often seen in the world media Israel is a modern democracy, the national home to Jewish who are the only sovereign nation to have existed as a nation on this territory since Israels establishment over 3000 years ago.  As such Israel is governed by the rule of law which protects minorities including those who would rather we had not returned to our homeland.  While one cannot avoid the reality of Arab hostility which necessitates the high level of security and its resultant inconvenience the reality is that armed groups of settlers do not go around dispossessing minorities with the support of the Military and the Law is enforced very harshly against Jewish citizens living in the disputed territories who are perceived to cross the line.

1 -,7340,L-4174273,00.html
2 - For more detailed information on the IDFsee here;
3 - Apart from the lack of wild animals to hunt in our tiny country this is because hunting has never been a Jewish sport due to our understanding that the sanctity of life extends also to the animal world and the biblical Prohibition against causing pain to animals.
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